The way to life
I stumbled across this cartoon: and it raised some interesting questions for me. Many people talk about wanting to change the world, make an impact, save the endangered species, and many others. However, when these desires come with a cost attached, many people just can't make the jump. When I reflect about the journey of faith and the Christian life, I begin to see with clarity these words of Jesus, "...small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matt 7:14) So, what is this small gate and narrow road that Jesus speaks of? It's the sermon on the mount. That tiny, little speech Jesus makes to the crowds where he outlines his vision statement. I won't recount the sermon here, but check it out in Matthew 5-7 if you're interested.
Now, it would be negligent and arrogant of me to let you suppose that I believe that I am on this "narrow road" to "life", because I don't feel like I am. Perhaps I oscillate between the narrow and the wide way, offering parts of my life the the radical call of Jesus, while holding others back. Perhaps, like Betty in the cartoon above, my words need to be enveloped in action as I search for the "way" in my life.