Friday, June 29, 2007

Why I am not a Christian

HA! Got you! I really am a Christian, but the reason I've called this blog that is because it is the title of a book that I'm currently reading. The author, Betrand Russell, wrote this essay some time around the turn of the 20th century. He is very critical of organised religion, specifically Christianity. Many of his arguments are valid, well thought through, and very challenging. I personally am challenged by his assault on Christian integrity and consistency. Russell points out with clarity the call the Jesus places upon His followers, and then wonders why Christians are not more Christ-like. So, what does it mean to be a Christian? How do you know you are? What does a Christian do? How do they live their lives? These questions are sometimes very difficult to answer because many of our responses can be conditioned by the culture we live in. For example to be a Christian in Africa is quite different from being a Christian in Australia and yet they both call themselves Christian.


At 29 June, 2007 21:43 , Blogger Jono said...

There are so many things wrong with Christianity and what it has become in our society, and there are many aspects of it that are not as Christ-Like as they could be. But I think all we should really worry about is how we can be more Christ-like, and how we can share that with others. There is not much we can do about what has happened to our organised religion, but we can change the way we live, ourselves. Does this make sense? Maybe.

At 02 July, 2007 09:56 , Blogger Sime said...

Great point! We are called to be Christ-like. This is what we are, followers of Jesus. So sometimes language can get in the way of what we're trying to achieve, but nonetheless we are called to a lifestyle of faith, community, and love. We never get there fully, but we're still called onto the journey.


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