Friday, August 17, 2007

Thoughts on Beauty

At the moment I am doing some work on Body Image for an upcoming youth group night. I've got so many thoughts swelling around in my head about beauty, and what it means to be beautiful. You've all probably heard the comments about how screwed up the media is when they present what it means to be beautiful; airbrushing, fake boobs, nose jobs, ear jobs, tummy tucks. And I know that you've probably been told that beauty is only skin deep, and that there is an inner beauty. Those words are not always comforting. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with who I am and don't allow myself to be too self indulgent about the way I look. However, if I am honest, of course I care about the stuff I wear, and how my hair looks, otherwise I'd be walking around in a sack with bread bags for shoes. Perhaps, it's all about balance. You know, not getting things out of perspective. It's okay to wear nice clothes, but don't let that stuff define who you are.

Hmmm, still, there is so much negative talk going around about what it means to be happy, and what people who look 'good' appear.

Here is an activity for you (untried and untested). Go to a mirror and say to yourself "The best thing about me is..." (non body related thing). After doing that say "I love you!"


At 21 August, 2007 12:16 , Blogger B.C. said...

You are beautiful... no matter what they say... WORDS CAN'T BRING YOU DOWNNNNNN. hahaha. but not with guys kissing.

It's hard not to care, and I think it's even harder to find someone who actually doesn't. Even people who don't really dress to impress, dress that way for a reason. Like me. I'm a sucker for some things, like novelty tshirts. But as you know, I recently abstained from Optimus Prime, and I was proud. I guess you have to just know when it's not right, and be happy with how you look and what you have.

At 22 August, 2007 12:12 , Blogger Jono said...

Hoe is Optimus Prime in any way not right? Haha.

Yes, but seriously, I have much I could say here, much much. I hope I remember to come back and comment again, but right now, this period is almost over and I must move on to stupid Physics, where there is no computer for me to use.

At 23 August, 2007 09:32 , Blogger Sime said...

Ben: I think you're right! We all do, deep inside, care what people think about us but I reckon it's important to keep it in perspective. If I think about me, then yes it's true, I care what others think of me but I don't let myself become obsessed with doing things that will please others. You know what I mean?


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